Driver and staff contracts are weird to manage, you can't say 'I will hire this guy for next season' because the moment when you hire someone, his contract comes to effect immediately, and you're forced to pay a lot of money in some cases to release your current employee. Strategies are always the same, and when it rains, it's very easy to pit first and gain lots of positions since AI usually pits one or none of their drivers in the first lap of rain, which is the one where if you keep your cars out, you can be dead last in the next lap.

Implementing team radios, even though they're repetitive, is quite original. I don't talk about graphics because obviously, a game released 25 years ago is much worse than F1M on that side. And the car setup part during the weekend seemed similar to MM, but harder, so it was pretty interesting. I thought it was very interesting to configure your new parts for better performance on some tracks, so I thought of focusing (let's say) in high-speed corners with rear wing and low-speed corners with front wing.

My biggest points on this were both setup perfectioning and development focus on car parts. Well, in the first few days I thought it was inferior, but that some things were better than GPW. For me, the reference on the genre is not Motorsport Manager, but Grand Prix World, a 1998 season management video game released by MicroProse. It's not bad, it's just My opinion about this game has been changing throughout the 35 hours I've played it until the moment I'm writing this. My opinion about this game has been changing throughout the 35 hours I've played it until the moment I'm writing this. If we want to evaluate it in this light, the experience leaves us extremely optimistic for the future, but at present - it is clear - we would have liked to have fun with some more content. Ultimately F1 Manager 2022 leaves us the feeling that the software house wanted to do a few things, but do them well and lay the foundations for a possible (and probable) annual series. These absences could seriously undermine the longevity of the experience and there is a risk that after a few seasons the game could become boring. It is difficult to find real faults in what there is and it is rather what is not there that leaves a bad taste in the mouth: it is in fact impossible to change excuses, create your own team, or compete in multiplayer, to do some examples. The managerial management is deep to the right point, without ever becoming overwhelming or unnecessarily complex and some goodies such as the samples of the radio teams will surely make all fans happy. F1 Manager 2022 is a fun title with surprisingly high production values.